Vanguard Blog
Carefully curated content created by our very own Vanguardians from tips and tricks to industry-based resources. Come check out what's on our minds these days.
Imagine your smoothest transaction whether it's online or not. Think about how many steps it takes to complete it.
When we build new sites and experiences, narrowing the scope of what to create to simply "what's trending" can often lose the focus of why, how, and especially who we design for. So, how do you create designs with a purpose?
One of the best features of Sitefinity is its robust image library management system which allows content creators to upload and manage images based on an organizational system. But did you know that you can also leverage the same system to generate custom thumbnails of images?
Did you know that the colors you choose to display on your website can impact a user's emotions and behaviors?
One of the coolest features to come out of the recent versions of Sitefinity is the implementation of cards. A card is a content widget where you have the option to place an image, heading, summary text, and a link within a bordered box that can help drive traffic to other pages of your website.
Get to know the difference between Web Forms and MVC. Which framework is best for your website?
It is important to have a website that is accessible for everyone. There are many simple adjustments as a web admin that you can do to achieve a more accessible website.
What do a Project Manager and a Jedi have in common? Neither speak in absolutes. PM's speak in estimates, and it is important to have an understanding of what goes into a project timeline and why it is ever-changing.
Font Awesome is a font icon library consisting of more than 600 icons that relies on CSS rather than static images to generate over 600 icons to enhance a website. Font Awesome has a 38% market share for sites that use third-party fonts, ranking second to Google Fonts.
It is Vanguard's rule of thumb to have a "formatting" page, where all the CSS classes are easily laid out for the back end user to access easily.
Bootstrap is the number one framework developers utilize due to its mobile compatibility capabilities. Recognizing the exponential use of mobile devices among users, the CMS Sitefinity has integrated Bootstrap into its newer versions.
When styling a website, where do you draw the line between implementing commonly used elements that have been proven to work and unique elements that push limits and stand out?
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What Can Vanguard Do For You?
As your organization grows and evolves, your website should as well. Whether you are looking to generate more traffic, implement custom functionality, mobile compatibility, integrate your systems, or give your site a complete redesign, Vanguard
Technology is your go-to web partner. Reach out to us with your current concerns with your website, and our experts will happily provide a solution