Vanguard Case Study

Minnesota Council Of Nonprofits

The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits has the resources and information to be the “first stop” for nonprofits in need of support.

Client Profile

The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN) was founded in 1987 to become a hub for nonprofit organizations in the state and provides hundreds of events to support them. The organization also provides a strong unified voice for these organizations and has become the largest state association of nonprofits in the United States.

Key Message

MCN is knowledgeable, approachable, and leaders in the nonprofit field. In essence, we hear and see you – we’re here to support you so that you can make a better and stronger Minnesota.

Unique Challenge

MCN has a lot of resources and that pool of resources is ever growing. These needed to be organized and structured in a way where users can easily find or search the resources that apply the most to them.

Before Redesign


  • Anticipate user needs to better server these users and members.
  • Make the available resources and information easily accessible and searchable.
  • Lessen the traffic of in-person and phone call questions we receive.


  • Created an event suggestion algorithm based from the user’s interests and location.
  • Added a faceted search allowing users to search by content type and category.
  • Created front-end event filters to assist users in finding the events that match their needs.
  • Created a more automated service provider directory to elevate the management load on MCN.


  • An updated and modern design featuring large and original imagery creating a local and professional feel.
  • Multiple tools for users to search and filter for events along with events that are recommended to them.
  • Flexible delivery of resource content allowing for cross-categorization and control for the MCN Staff.
  • Improved organizational structure providing guidance to new users on where to find the content that is most applicable to them.

Vanguard Redesign

The team at Vanguard helped us think about our digital presence from the perspective and needs of our users, while holding true to the values our organization espouses. They brought valuable experience and insight to the table and increased our understanding throughout each step of the project. All this while listening to and trusting our voice throughout the entire process.
John Wurm

Membership & Communications Director, Minnesota Council of Nonprofits